Minutes – Comms and Marketing – Oct 2019

Communication and Marketing Team

Notes of Meeting – Friday 11th October 2019


Present: Ariela Cravitz, Sarah Joseph, Alex Noble, Jane O’Callaghan


  1. Terms of Reference:
  • Agreed that the existing description of the Communication and Marketing Team (CMT) would serve as the Terms of Reference for the team, although it was felt that the original newsletter used to seem to be a lot of work, so without being clear of the benefit of producing it at this time, it will not currently happen.
  • The CMT will focus on communication and marketing external to the centre, depending on who is in the team, their interests, strengths, ideas, etc.
  • It is anticipated that there will be collaboration between the CMT and the Culture, Diversity and Inclusion team – e.g. is there a need to focus on inclusion of a particular community of interest, etc., therefore where should comms / marketing efforts be focussed.


  1. Council Meeting:
  • Council meetings will take place the second week of each month, alternating between Monday and Wednesday. The first Council meeting will be on Monday 14th Nobody present is available to attend that meeting, or wished to commit to being the representative for the team – i.e. attend Council meetings – more generally.

Action: Ariela will notify the other teams of this, and share notes of this meeting.


  1. Contact person:
  • Nobody wanted to be the main contact person for the group, so Ariela will nominally fulfil this role for the time being.

Action: Ariela will notify the other teams of this, and share notes of this meeting.


  1. Flyer for centre:
  • Jane has produced some simple copy for an A5 flyer. Her idea is that this be distributed by members / put on community noticeboards that they have (free) access to, as appropriate, in order to attract new members to the centre. Alex has agreed to design and produce the poster.

Action: Jane to e-mail copy to Alex.

Action: Alex to produce flyer and e-mail to everyone for feedback, etc.

Action: Jane will compose an e-mail asking people to collect flyers from the centre office to put up in appropriate places, and send to Ariela, who will send the e-mail to everyone.






  1. Facebook:
  • Sarah suggested it would make it easier to post on Facebook by using the buffer option – i.e. type several posts in one sitting, and schedule each to go out on separate days – e.g. for courses.

Action: Ariela to try and do as suggested re. buffering posts.

Action: Sarah will consider a Facebook / marketing strategy, and also think about possibility of posting daily quotes on the LSMC Facebook page.


  1. Instagram: Alex will aim to post quotes on the Instagram account approximately three times p/week, as well as publicise courses as and when.

Action: Alex to speak to Jez and / or explore account info. (password, etc.) for existing Instagram account, then start posting on it.


  1. Any Other Business: None.


  1. Date of next meeting: It was agreed that there did not need to be another meeting at this point, that each person will get on with the actions and / or role they have undertaken, and communicate with everyone else in the team via e-mail.

Action: Ariela to e-mail Tessa re. being part of the e-mail loop (for oversight on external marketing / communications)