Minutes – CDI Team meeting – 25th July 2020

Present: Frances Holliss, Rachael Cheang, , Kate Grierson, Annalie Wilson, Richard Knott

Apologies: Yukiko Putnam

Chair: Frances Holliss

Minutes: Rachael Cheang

  • Community meeting 1st August

All seems to be going well with the organisation of this event. The technicalities of the having a ‘safety officer’ in each room still needs to be ironed out. Frances to ask Jez to send out the program again to members to remind them of the schedule.

  • Racist incident 

An email was sent out containing racist content which led to a black member of our team resigning. The incident was dealt with and an apology was offered. However it was felt that this incident highlighted that there is still a lot of work to do in uncovering and addressing hidden bias in our sangha. CDI team will explore the idea of running a ‘consciousness raising’ workshop and making it compulsory for all leaders/teachers/MIs/guides in LSMC to attend. Frances to ask Hannah Gibson if she knows of any good workshop providers. 


  • LSMC Kasung representative 

An email was sent to the council and trustees from the ‘LSMC Kasung representative’. The CDI team is aware that under the new horizontal structure, the relationship with the Kasung is unresolved and needs to be addressed. 

  • Guidelines for engagement in meetings

Following a recent bullying incident in a P&E meeting, the P&E team have composed a set of guidelines for engagement. All teams were asked to review the guidelines with a view of making these standard practice in all LSMC meetings. The CDI agree with the guidelines, but feel that point 10 should be changed. The suggestion is to reword this to say “the minutes can only be changed retrospectively with agreement from the team”. Also “unjustly” should be removed from point 11.

  • Harvest of Peace festival

This will be moved to the agenda of the next meeting.

  • Next meeting

30th August @ 2pm on Zoom